Why Purchase A CD Player or Transport ?

I am 100% invested in vinyl, but want to improve my digital equipment chain.

Once I’ve upgraded my streaming equipment, why purchase a quality CD/SACD transport?

Is there a large enough subset of music that sounds better via optical media?


Showing 10 responses by vonhelmholtz

Just curious if you’re using the upgraded iFi power supply for the Zen?

I added the iFi iPower Elite. This was a major improvement. Next I added a Shunyata system power conditioner and this improved all aspects of my system. When the Holo DAC arrives I’ll isolate the Zen Stream ethernet input by using two media converters and fiber optic cable. I will then decide if I want the AirLens.

I just ordered an external cd/dvd drive and will rip my CDs to my NUC server.  Contributor's remarks above made the move to a transport less of a priority for me.

Weird question. Why would any "subset" sound better through a CD player ?

Perhaps that was poorly worded.

Are there a substantial number of well recorded performances recorded on CD which can’t be found via streaming services, or where the streaming version is sonically inferior to the CD?

I'm considering the purchase of the PS Audio SACD I2s transport which is on sale for $3999.00.  I'm thinking that I can rip my CDs, never listen to my SACD and save the $3999.00 + $1k I2s cable and additional Timber Nation Tiger Maple shelving/stand.  That said, saving has not been part of the equation where the saved money negatively impacts the listening experience.

I'm already setup for vinyl and streaming..but I might move to the AirLens from the iFi Zen Stream when out and Esoteric E-02 Balanced phono preamplifier from the Sutherland 20/20 LPS once available later in the year.  No real obstacles to building either formats, except the financial hurdle.

A proper high resolution server will have no spinning parts, hence less vibration, with lower noise through a quality internal LPS, SSD storage and file caching, and improved isolation from non-digital signals. You will get a bit further with your money this route, as chances are you would invest in a file server down the road anyways once buying, storing, and playing discs becomes too cumbersome.

The NUC you have is a great start but there are much better server solutions that include the features I list above, and the sound quality will be a huge step forward with them as a result. Happy to chat options with you over PM.


My NUC is a fanless SSD Roon Rock, which manages file caching. I believe that clean power is important. I use an Everest and Shunyata NR power cords. I also pay attention to component power supplies and try to cleanup ethernet noise prior to entering my streamer. I have an upgraded LPS for my phono preamplifier and streamer, but I was under the impression that the music server did not benefit by replacing the switching supply. Of course, the truth of the matter is best served by A/B.

This has been a great conversation. I looked at my digital world and realized that it is mostly in boxes on 20+ hard drives..none of it audio. My whole digital life, my family, business ..now retired .. is all in boxes on random hard drives. So, I decided to consolidate, wipe all drives and dispose or sell them.

I just purchased a five bay Synology DS1522+/Four 16TB enterprise drives.. can add more later.. 32GB of Ram and 800GB of M.2 NVMe SSD cache. My external CD/DVD drive comes today and I will store all music on the NAS, as well as centralize 50,000+ Lightroom photos + years of family videos. So, I spent my CD transport money on a NAS.. rather a different outcome than I saw coming into this conversation. What I give up is being able to listen to a limited number SACD discs and what I will need to do is maximize my streamer. It is clear to me that with enough money, I could buy a CD transport that will outshine present day streaming, but I don’t believe that this difference will remain and streaming equipment will get better with time. Retirement involves projects, hobbies..a bit of travel and like always..obeying the almighty spouse.. The NAS is a project/hobby. Well, gotta go.. some power cables just arrived...Thanks for all the input...Gary

Well, I ripped all of my CDs in two days.  The fact that it took so little time is another red flag...meaning that I don't own many CDs.  Holo Dac DTE, Timber Nation Tiger Maple equipment rack  and NAS should be here by 9/7..so we will see..

Ripped to uncompressed FLAC, but only 150 or so CDs and 30 were purchased recently .. without having anything to play them on. Only 20 SACD, so not missing much there.

I still can’t listen to them in that the DAC in my New McIntosh MA12000 stopped working and the DAC that I ordered is still at least 2-3 weeks from delivery.  So, 100% vinyl for now.

For most of us the "this or that" approach is due to financial limitations. The total system cost might be $1000.00, or $100,000.00, where the limitations exist, but the components considered are very different. It all has to do with maximizing results with limited funds. All of your posts help those of us that are operating at the upper edge of our financial envelope where trying and selling are not financially efficient. Many of you have amazing systems that you assembled through A/B comparisons. How did you setup such trials? Do you have a special relationship with a dealer, or buy used and sell used, or just don’t have financial limits? So far for me, speakers and my Integrated amp were my only main components that I heard before purchasing. I’ve been able to listen to some cables and trade up with my dealer. Currently looking to trade up with my Sutherland 20/20 phono preamp..but one dealer comes with limitations..my only real trade up option is the Esoteric E-02 Balanced and the next batch isn't scheduled for a couple of months..assuming that the components are available.

As mentioned above, I've ripped all my CDs and put them on shuffle..just over 100 hours of material.  I just received a Holo May DAC and wow..what an upgrade from my McIntosh MA12000 DAC.  The ripped CDs sound so musical.  Everything about the presentation is better.  I'm streaming off iFi Zen Stream/ Roon Core i7 NUC/64TB Synology DS1522+ with dual SSD Cache.  

My system has changed in that I have made major upgrades to both my digital and analog. My CDs now reside on a Aurender N20 and my DAC is the Holo May KTE. All power cables are Shunyata Sigma NR and are plugged into the Everest 8000. A Shunyata Sigma Ethernet cable and AES/EBU are used on the Aurender’s input and output.

My scanned CDs sound now rivals my Qobuz hi res streaming and both approach my analog, which is an impressive step forward. I no longer see any need for a CD player and doubt that any, but the best can rival the Aurender’s ability to serve up ripped files. I’m absolutely certain that others have superior systems and a better listening space, but for now I’m pleased with what I have. A big thank you to Juan of @blisshifi for directing me to the Aurender N20 and Audionet phono preamp.