Why Purchase A CD Player or Transport ?

I am 100% invested in vinyl, but want to improve my digital equipment chain.

Once I’ve upgraded my streaming equipment, why purchase a quality CD/SACD transport?

Is there a large enough subset of music that sounds better via optical media?


Showing 14 responses by jafant



2nd- those 7" mini-albums on SACD are very sweet indeed!


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the acknowledgement. The Accuphase DP-65v may be aged, but it is still a Reference CD player. I can only imagine the Aural playback of a newer model with newer technology.  Superb.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the kind words. No Streaming allowed in my System. Strictly CD and SACD only.


Happy Listening!

Another +vote for my Players sounds better than anything Streamed.


Happy Listening!



Awesome collection of Players. The McCormick UDP-1 is very sweet.

How does it sound with Hard Rock/Metal ?


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up. I head to Memphis next month for work. In the Summer of 2020 I worked in Memphis -downtown. Of course, the city was on lock-down status. I do not believe that there are any Audio shop(s) ?

I will reach out and touch Colin and Constatine regarding Cabling to complete my system which can be viewed in Virtual Systems here.


Happy Listening!




Wonderful! Nice area. Does Nashville have an Audio Club?

Besides Gestalt Audio, another other Audio shop(s) worth checking out?


Happy Listening!



Thank you for the follow up. I will contact Colin.  Great to see that Neodio is represented here in America.  Do you live in the greater Nashville area?


Happy Listening!



Do you live in the greater Nashville area?


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up. Actually, I work in Nashville. I will contact Colin.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for the follow up to my query. Is Neodio represented here in the U.S. ?

Foreign distributor?


Happy Listening!



You are very fortunate to own a Neodio Origine S2 Player.  Very sweet.

Which CD player did you own previously?


Happy Listening!

Another +vote for CD/SACD players sounding Damn good. Mine do.


Happy Listening!