Why pay so much?

If you want to think cables make a huge difference in sound fine...but why pay up to $70,000 for speaker wire?

You can buy 38 lbs of 99.99% bullion silver for $10,000 or 4000 lbs of 99.99% bullion copper.

Buying a pair of 12 foot $5,000 wire is obserd it costs like $30 to make and WBT connectors are also highly inexpensive to make too.

Why do you guys shell out money on a clear fact that you guys are insecure about using low priced stuff and these people know that and take advantage of that.

How do you guys let yourself taken advantage of?

Showing 4 responses by mitch2

Time for the moderators to step in and
(1) simply lock down this crap thread and similar crap ones. If they do not, it's identification by association - full stop.
Really, are we so insecure that every dissenting opinion should be stomped out like the first zombie in an apocalypse?  

While I couldn't care less what others spend on cables, and I am all about capitalism and pricing based on what the market will bear, I agree with the OP that some cable manufacturers have elevated their product and brand to the point where owning their cables approaches more of a validation of social standing than a good value.  But hey, that is simply considered good marketing in many other industries.  People will vote with their wallets so why worry about it?
Ever used the services of a lawyer or doctor?
Yeah, both.  The first protects your money and/or your freedom, and the second keeps you breathing.   Those are not easy university programs to be accepted into or easy degrees to obtain, certification/licensing is not easy to achieve either, and achieving expertise in those fields can be a long road that not everyone completes.  The good ones are typically worth every cent they charge.  
 It is because there are people who lack the skills, education, and experience to earn, acquire, and develop the wealth aka "expendable income" to purchase these products.... yada, yada.....
Seriously - what a sanctimonious pile of crap.   What makes you all-knowing?  How about those of us who can afford expensive wire, have heard and owned expensive wire, yet don't buy into the hype and choose to build our own speaker cable out of much less expensive materials, such as 50-year old copper?  I suppose we are not worthy because our systems or hearing are somehow deficient....right?  Standard playbook stuff.
Exactly!  People are gonna do what they want.  This whole topic is one big "so what!"