Why pay so much?

If you want to think cables make a huge difference in sound fine...but why pay up to $70,000 for speaker wire?

You can buy 38 lbs of 99.99% bullion silver for $10,000 or 4000 lbs of 99.99% bullion copper.

Buying a pair of 12 foot $5,000 wire is obserd it costs like $30 to make and WBT connectors are also highly inexpensive to make too.

Why do you guys shell out money on a clear fact that you guys are insecure about using low priced stuff and these people know that and take advantage of that.

How do you guys let yourself taken advantage of?

Showing 2 responses by akg_ca

". Inna 2,876 posts
11-19-2016 1:19am
Come on, not again this imbecility..."

+1....... kudos to Inna.... nailed it !,,,, full stop.

ps to the OP

you have the same trolling crap in your matched current new post about "expensive" equipment. 
Wilkepedia definition of an Internet Troll

"....Internet troll

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,  often for the troll's amusement.."

As previously commented on, don't feed the troll.

Time for the moderators to step in and 
(1) simply lock down this crap thread and similar crap ones. If they do not, it's identification by association - full stop.
(2) Trolls hide behind that central plank of cowardly anonymity provided by forum monikers and a laissez-fair administration by the moderators above. Trolling can be addressed by an initial stern cease and desist warning by the website moderators for subject matter thst fits the internet troll definition above,  a second trolling occurrence creates a six-month forum ban for the troll , and a third strike in trolling is a lifetime ban.