Why pay "more" for USED??

Ok, I know you must be thinking this thread is titled wrong, but I just came across an Ebay ad where a pair of B&W Nautilus 802's sold for $8,101 used! To make matters worse they were all screwed up. It has pics of the midrange cabinet all scratched and the ad says the tweeters are dented. I'm beside myself on how someone could spend "over" retail (N802's retail for $8k) for a pair of used speakers that are f'd up anyway. If your spending $8k on speakers don't you do some research first??
Don't believe me? Here's the ad:

Showing 1 response by estrnad

I'm sure you all are familiar with the psychology of gambling. The competitive bidding frenzy on ebay causes an adrenalin rush, and a true addict will keep bidding up the price, even beyond the list price, in order to "win" and beat the competition. It work in Vegas, why not on ebay?
I love it when 2 buyers get into a bidding war over one of my auctions. Check out how many auctions are now on Audiogon vs Dealer Demos. I'm not the only one hoping to incite a little bidding frenzy.