Why Not Return the Favor?

Over the years I've been a member here, I have left many supportive and complementary comments on members Vitual Reality Systems. It seems no one ever takes enough interest to return the favor by checking on the systems of those complementing theirs. What's up with that? Maybe my system is not worth commenting on, but a sign of common courtesy would be nice.

Just my 2cents.
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

Showing 1 response by sandstone

In my relatively limited time on Agon, I've checked virtual systems of OP's for clues in addressing their questions, and often to understand other, more expert responses.

Selective VS postings and their threads are also good info for learning about various approaches to building a system.

Your system is emminently worthy of comment. It was interesting to see that you have owned the Sonic Euphoria PLC, that was hand-built by Jeff right here in San Diego.

...and btw, there are many of us who might pay BIG to see photos of 'Lizbeth's system!