Why Not Return the Favor?

Over the years I've been a member here, I have left many supportive and complementary comments on members Vitual Reality Systems. It seems no one ever takes enough interest to return the favor by checking on the systems of those complementing theirs. What's up with that? Maybe my system is not worth commenting on, but a sign of common courtesy would be nice.

Just my 2cents.
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Showing 2 responses by mceljo

I've noted several members post many thank you's for the comments on their systems. While this clutters up the actual thread, it is the nice thing to do. I never considered that system comments were a quid pro quo (did I spell that right?) type of adventure.
The reason that I posted my system was so that people would have a tool to help me with my questions and possibly form an opinion of how much weight to give my opinions.

It would be easy for me to pretend that my gear is much better than it is. I often look at other peoples systems to see what they have, especially if it's a member that I've come to respect after reading their posts. I find it interesting to see where they put their money.