Why no Tori Amos

One last bit of pondering. Why was Tori Amos' "Little Earthquakes" album never given the star treatment it deserves? The album has great arrangements with full orchestration and is one of the best female singer/songwriter/pianist albums of the past few decades. I know she copied a lot of Kate Bush's style (as did Fiona Apple) but it IS a breakthrough album and atleast Kate was issued on Japanese.

Showing 1 response by imin2u

I have to agree with Ben_Cambell. I've been listening atleast 4hr./day of music since 1966. Tori wouldn't exist AS SHE IS without Kate. And yes, Kate is a true musical genuis and a ground-breaking. Tori is a genius too but not ground breaking. (Except maybe "Little Earthquakes"). Sarah Mc. is useless in my book because she brings nothing new to the table.