You guys kill me. All of you are posing to be so
knowledgeable about audio and not one of you could point him
in the right direction for the right component for his
situation. Amp warmers and preamp warmers are readily
available if you know what hi-fi shops to visit. They are
very expensive though. I run monoblocs, so I use four of
them. I do have an extra one for my tube cd player, but I
found out that it wasn't really necessary. I paid $2700 for
each tube amp warmer. I will sell my extra one for $1800
and guarantee it for one year. My solid state amp warmers
cost $2300. I will sell it for $1500. Lowballers will be
Amp Warmer
You guys kill me. All of you are posing to be so
knowledgeable about audio and not one of you could point him
in the right direction for the right component for his
situation. Amp warmers and preamp warmers are readily
available if you know what hi-fi shops to visit. They are
very expensive though. I run monoblocs, so I use four of
them. I do have an extra one for my tube cd player, but I
found out that it wasn't really necessary. I paid $2700 for
each tube amp warmer. I will sell my extra one for $1800
and guarantee it for one year. My solid state amp warmers
cost $2300. I will sell it for $1500. Lowballers will be
Amp Warmer