Why manufactures don´t burn in their amps and ...

give a good (or the "right") powercord with their amps?

I´m tired to hear "you must it burn in min. 200 hours" or "it will sound better with the right powercord".

It´s like selling a Porsche which you can drive the first 5.000 miles only with 20 mph and youself must look for the "right" tires.



Showing 2 responses by shadorne

Every 200+ Watt per channel amp that I have owned came with extremely thick stock power cords. I think Ralph is on to something there. Power cords are important when it comes to high power output devices.
True. But along the lines of Mitch2's comment, all of the effects mentioned in Ralph's post can be avoided simply by having adequately low resistance in the path between outlet and power amp.

An indeed that is what I have found to be the mystery around those extremely thick stock power cords that came with the higher powered power amps (at least those that I have been familiar with). Thick cable was not just all rubber/plastic but they came with thicker wires too!!!