Why manufactures don´t burn in their amps and ...

give a good (or the "right") powercord with their amps?

I´m tired to hear "you must it burn in min. 200 hours" or "it will sound better with the right powercord".

It´s like selling a Porsche which you can drive the first 5.000 miles only with 20 mph and youself must look for the "right" tires.



Showing 1 response by russellrcncom

With all due respect to the tangential discussions above, tje raises an interesting point: Why after paying a phenomenal amount of $ is it incumbent upon the purchaser to perform the break-in? I would think it makes more sense to have this done at the factory level as opposed to a dealer due to warranty ramifcations and the aforementioned stigma associated with buying a "demo'd" unit (versus new) from the dealer.
Couldn't the burn-in serve a dual purpose in terms of flushing out potential defects as well?