Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?

There seems to be an excessive number of Jeff Rowland products for sale on Audiogon. I happen to be one of the sellers. In the past there would be 8 or 10 items for sale but suddenly there are double that amount of items and they seem to be selling very slowly. Does anybody have any thought on why?

Showing 2 responses by 3chihuahuas

People are selling because of the economy. Just wish I have a lot of $$$ to pick up some of the good deals here.

As for Taters' comments, this is an mature oriented forum. When you make such statements of Rowland products, or any products in general, you should state facts supporting your point of view. Some or most may disagree with your personal taste, but at least they will still respect your opinion. Stating claims about a product being bad without supporting evidents is just not classy.
Sogood51, I too wish I had $1 everytime some one makes that comment as well; I am positive I can save enough money to buy a Krell within a year.

I personally have never own Krell amps, but I do hear many people made comments about the product being bright in this forum. (Actually, I heard a lot of bad and good things about products here and would probably never have a clue without this site.) In any event, I even had a guy offering to trade my his Krell amp for my CLass-200 for that reason. I personally think any equipment can perform subpar if not matched well with other equipments or speakers. When I first purchase my Classe, I could not listen to more than 20 minutes due to listening fatigue from the harsh brightness. My amp sings now when I switched my B&W speakers for Dynaudio. My point here, let's give the each product a benefit of the doubt before jumping into conclusions. For those making good and bad comments about product should provide support facts. I am just affraid that if we all hear that Krell amps are bright, then we may fall into the self fulfilling prophecy by believing before we he listen to it. Just my opinions.