Why is there so much PS Audio stuff for sale?

There seem to be a ton of PS Audio cabling and components for sale. I know they have a wide product line up, and have been in business quite a while (for this industry). But most of it for sale seems to be pretty new, not older, outdated items. Are they not well regarded? Are they seen as a "stepping stone" manufacturer, where people move on to supposedly bigger and better things? Is their price/performance ratio out of whack? They make so many different items, like all sorts of cables, pre & power amps, DAC's, power conditioners, and tweeks. Is their product line too big, where they're really only good at producing one or a few different things? Is it coincidence? Or something else?

Showing 1 response by ipy

I have used their previous range of ic & pc which I have mostly replaced with others. In my set-up they sound too dark & lacking the finer details.
IMO their power filters & power plants are still very good, SQ wise. There was some reliability problems (heat) with the P500 power plant which I then traded in for the P1000.