It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


Showing 1 response by firstonetallguy

This is an alleged conversation overheard at an electronics store in the Mall.

“Honey, look at what they want to charge for that stereo equipment.  Isn’t that just ridiculous?  They are just a bunch of thieves hoping to sell a few units and get rich.  No way could cost it that much to make stereo stuff.

But dear, it does sound nice and looks pretty.

Yeah, but it is way too expensive.  My system sounds just as good as theirs and I did not spend anywhere near that much for that junk.

Our system sounds nice, dear, but this does sound a little better.

No, it doesn’t.  You are just hearing things.  And even if it is better, it costs sooo much more which just proves how greedy these people are.  
A lot of this stuff is just snake oil.  They lie to you about what all that stuff does when it is just electricity and sound waves.  Ridiculous.
They build stuff that only the rich people can buy.  It is not fair.  There should be some way that no one can charge this much so everyone can get what they want.  It is just not fair.  
Look at how much those speakers cost.  I could buy a new car for that.
Look at how much they charge for those wires, $2000.  That is asinine.

Now dear, you are letting your blood pressure get too high.  Maybe, we should just leave.  I need to go to the grocery store, we are nearly out of cigarettes, beer and ice cream.  

Not yet, I want to look at the new 90" OLED TVs.  

Why do you want to look at those?  We just got a nice 65" TV 3 years ago.  These large TVs are sooo expensive and really not worth it.

Honey, sure they are.  Just look at the image; it is gorgeous.”