It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


Showing 11 responses by scottwheel

“Totally agree here scottwheel ...I’m definitely thinking that nobody was thinking you were in China...though also agree it has no relevance to you finding all the previous responses except that one...”

In China it was literally the next day. So when the reference was to a post I made on 11/30 that’s the date I checked. On my side it was 12/01. But really, is that what y’all want to talk about? What day are he word “dick” was used? Was it used as an adverb or a noun? 

Cut and paste. What’s the date on my post?


85 posts


@scottwheel no one is piling on you. You just want to push how you feel on those who will not agree with you.  Agree to disagree and move on.”

where did I say anyone was piling on me? What happens if I don’t agree to disagree? 😎 but please don’t try to tell me what *I* want. It’s obnoxious. You want to challenge the merits of my position great. Do so using facts and logic. But ascribing fake motives to me is a bit of a dick move. 

“I did not need these programs because i only use homemade solutions”

that would explain why you find ABX DBTs to be overly complicated and difficult. The programs you don’t need are the ones that make it simple and easy 

“You misinterpreted my post because you are too captive of your blinders testing motto ...”

yeah whatever dude. Par for the course. 

“Nobody need a ABX DBT to tune a room or to modify a pair of speakers or headphone etc ...”

and where did I say anyone needed ABX for room treatments or home brewed speaker mods? 

“Must i use an ABX comparator to know if my electrical panel is better working for my audio component with or without my homemade plates ?”


Do whatever the hell you want. All I said was ABX doesn’t have to be complex or difficult to do thanks to a number of ABX programs. That’s just information. What you or anybody else does with that information is up to you and them. 

“And please learn to use the bloc quote just above the post window when using a quote for another post , it will be less fatiguing to read your post ...😁 it is more easy  to figure out than the ABX protocol ...”

Would love to but it’s not exactly self explanatory on my IPhone 

As for the BACCH SP I have already written about it on the thread regarding EQ. What more would you like me to say about it? And keep in mind, *this* thread is about making up reasons why some audiophiles hate “high end audio.” It’s not about actual game changing new technology in audio. 

“Sony’s 360 reality SSM is freaking nuts good,”

I will do some research on it while I’m in China and look into doing some auditions when I get back. Up mixes are a big concern to me. 

“My observation was there only to say that BACCH filters is a more interesting matter and more important than your debunking invitation to solve costly cables differences obsession among audiophile ...”

Go back to my original post in this thread. The ONLY thing I was trying to debunk were the cliche mischaracterizations of audiophiles that accept what science tells us about the audibility of certain controversial elements of high end audio. It’s not jealousy, it’s not a lack of experience, it’s not a lack of “resolution” in my system or any of the other made up reasons. Clearly that original post started a fire here. 

now what more would you like me to say about the BACCH that I haven’t already said? I am happy to talk about that!

“You have my post deleted only to quote it. What a manly maneuver. 

You're way over your head on this.”

I didn’t have your post deleted. I’m in over my head with what? Slinging insults? I’ll concede that…

Got anything to say about audio?

when I was in Italy last year I bought a digital phono preamp from an Italian company and 2 active bass traps from a Swiss company. I saved a lot of money. The cost of shipping to a distributor, distributor mark up, shipping from the distributor to the retailer and then retailer mark up adds up even with small margins. It was quite fortunate that I happened to be in the right place to get the exact gear I wanted