Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?

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My thoughts:
I owned a Prima Luna integrated and thought it was pretty good.
I adopted by daughter from China when she was 9 months old.  She is now 16.  I have been in China on more than one occasion.  The people are oppressed. I have talked to many of them.  

It is a global economy and in many cases is a good thing. However, I think we as Americans (me included) have without really thinking about it lost sight of freedom and even more important but sad is the fact that we don't stand up for those who are severely persecuted around the world (e.g. China gulags-they are real. I could go on about the human right abuses. I think these are more important than the climate concern.  Behinds the scenes China is pushing the climate issue-guess why).  What should we do business with the CCP? Our leaders have/are pushing us into something that will probably turn out to be sinister.  Maybe we should as Americans reconsider where we spend our money and not trust bought and controlled politicians. Another sobering thought is the fact that I don't think we as free as we might think.  Things are changing....

Just my thoughts-don't hate me.