Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?

Showing 1 response by captmobley

I have a Dialogue Premium Pre and PL 7 mono blocks with KT120's into Tekton Double Impacts and am very happy.  Everyone (including some industry pros) who have heard my system were very pleased.  They are built like tanks.  Tube rolling on the pre made a world of difference.  Stock tubes sounded dry and brittle.  I bought everything used and Upscale answered all my questions knowing where they came from.