Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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Showing 6 responses by teo_audio

war does not a good forum make.

If you allow the loud and the rude, the forceful, the pressuring, the insulting and bickering..and so on..if you allow such types and behaviour into a bar and allow them to do as they please..they will form a clique and be of that behavior to all other patrons.

Sooner rather than later, the population of the restaurant will be just those few overly forceful and rude argumentative types.

Everyone else, the others who were the regular patrons, will be gone.

20 regular mudslingers and a thousand missing patrons.

It’s a simple equation.

The other thing needed is a REAL forum format. With real moderators and a real force, when it comes to eliminating those who desire to force their opinions on others.

The forum, the business, and the multi billion dollar model itself is dedicated to the people who hear differences in gear of all kinds and types...

Anything else is against the entire reason for the the audio equipment to even exist.

Any one who denigrates another for saying they hear a difference in a thing, whatever it may be...and that person continues to denigrate and attack, even after one or two warnings...needs to be eliminated from the forum membership. And their IP banned. End of story.

Forget my previous lament about the neighborhood: it’s the whole planet. We’re being dumbed down at an alarming pace.

To annihilate a thing so it cannot return or rebuild or know what it was and what was taken... is to annihilate the living memory of it, the social/cultural flow and the minds which can carry it.

What do you see happening in the west, in general, right now?

It's the oldest tactic in the book, being used on the internet/information era. Slow going, but it can still be done.
Do You Suffer From the Dunning-Kruger Effect?

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled people make poor decisions and reach erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to recognize their mistakes. The unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their own abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority.

You don’t even know enough to realize just how little you know.

"Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. As Kruger and Dunning conclude, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."


Manipulating societies is driven by elevating and empowering the former outside of their cognition that it is being done, and denigrating and degrading the latter ...via similar manipulations... and most importantly...having the former (the enabled illiterate) chase after and defeat the latter. Pure Machiavellian tactics. Practically page one chapter one of the Machiavellian guide to controlling populations.

The scenarios encountered on forums like this show the door is always wide open to use this lever, even if the people be aware of it. Cognitive dissonance driven by desires, fears, and so on. The harder a body is driven the stronger the ego's grip. After all, that's it's job..which is to preserve the body above all else. Thought and cognition that is unedited can happen in the calm times. So control is about disallowing rest and calm times. Which some of you, if you noticed, in the past decade or so... there have been probably dozens of books now that try to get that point through to the people. But..cognitive dissonance intercedes...
Twas’ a purposely opaque statement. Pythonesque in intent.

So we can have robots, ie people just like us--which is socially and culturally..a dead thing. No differences = death, dead things.

Or suffer from the barbs and intrusion of individuals. Suffer the differences and be alive. So one cannot recognize the shape of even one thing ...or even ’be’... without the existence of fundamental differences. Differential is the fundamental of reality.

Between the goalposts of identical vs chaos, humans meander in their lost little ways, seeking perfections in unity if they are fools, and happy mediums of not quite manageable difference..if they understand some of the issues at hand. Being comfortable is loosely equatable to being dead. Too much chaos disallows coherence, so that’s the same as dead. Dead in -and as- a sea of noise.

Somewhere in the middle is the road of life.

Oh yes, critically, exploitation requires, on mass levels..it requires commodification of the target. Commodities are dead things, unchanging things. Manageable things. Or it can be achieved via injection of Chaos. Tie humanity to one goalpost or the other. In each motion they become commoditized and manageable. Keeping people out of the middle and out of reasoning-  is key.
@ teo_audio, do you even read your own post?? How can someone take your products seriously?  

Thank you for your lovely post regarding matters of cognition and a reflection thereof.