Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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Showing 7 responses by georgehifi

Nobody appreciates the naive, gullible tenderfoot audiophile more than I do. They’re my favourite. Hi, there. Want some candy?

Sounds just like a comment from a Scientology recruitment officer?

PS: Glad to see this thread is now placed in the Misc Audio section +1 for the mods.

Cheers George
I have had several costly tweaks in my system for some years now. Were I to suddenly toss them all, I seriously doubt that I would miss them.

Well said. +1

Cheers George

Please, this thread has no technical merit to this "Tech Talk" forum and is polluting it, please move it to "Misc Audio" where it belongs.

Cheers George
what makes this thread so unpleasant.
This isn’t a "Tech Talk" thread, as there’s nothing technical being said here, not a skerrick. 
It should be moved to "Misc Audio"

Cheers George

It is just snake oil, so by definition it should be fun talk

It's all good for an individual to play around with these snake oil products in private, just keep it to themselves. 
But when they come on here and tell the "gullible" that it's a fix for whatever problems they have.
Then tell the "gullible" to spend their hard earned money on them, that's when it becomes objectionable.
Especially when it makes bags of money for the voodoo'ist peddler who's selling it.

Cheers George   
Many of the controversial tweaks we are talking about here are quite technical, at least have technical aspects to them. Fuses, cables, tiny little bowls, Morphic Message Labels, clocks,
You should be preaching this crud here, among your disciples.

Cheers George 
Why is the snake oil topic closed?
Because it had no place being in a "Technical Forum" just as this thread.

Both should be in the  Misc Audio forum where anything goes.

Cheers George