Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?

Showing 8 responses by mozartfan

mahgister5,689 posts05-05-2021 8:51pm
In that regard science fails miserably.
Science dont fail at all...Pseudo scientist fail....

Only those not using their own ears at the endpoint fail...Science do what science did the best: give us great engineering possibilities...

Science is marketed now a  days, 
**Gee don't these xover speakers sound just fantastic, you need xover designed speakers*** 
Since that was most marketed , we had no choice but to believe **the experts* The speaker labs.
Little did we know the real deal speakers were pushed under the run. 
The 1929 Field Coils made in Chicago, The German Klangfilm Field Coils, 1920's. 
These  produced authentic midrange in glorious colors,
Fast forward 50 years, 
Along came the xover types, = money making designs. 

That old science has been reborn in the new high sens designs,,,, and  only a  very select few with highly tarined sensibilities anda   thirst for super high fidelity will make The New  Speaker science  a  part of their sound system.
The  rest of the audiophile community will pretend this new science does not even exsist.

Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?

Measurements are useful to verify specifications and identify any underlying issues that might be a concern. Test tones are used to show how equipment performs below audible levels but how music performs at listening levels is the deciding criteria. In that regard science fails miserably.

Why is it so?

No doubt about it, Speakers are so hyped up, Read what Seas says about their tweeters, 
You might think they  are the most gorgeous sounding fq's in all audio, Well I can assure you, the ONLY spec you need to know in all speaker tech specs, is 
~~~Sensitivity~~~ all else is meaningless.

Science can be nothing more than propaganda  to get us to believe things that just are not true. 
Seas and sacn speaks tweeters are below 90db, = to me worthless for accurate, full rich, open musical reproduction, 
The new wide range claim they are the finest sound speakers in the world. 
Now that is not hype nor propaganda, Its the truth,. as the sens is over 92db. 
Science  is  all measuments, which have nothing whatsoever to do with the actual sound. 

The only spec that  I am interested in is 
~~Sensitivity~~ all else is meaningless jargon. 
I know the 2 wide band labs are the worlds finest spakers,,I do not need to read about them. Nor demo,. 
Watch the propaganda concerning speakers measurments. 
It may have you believing/imagining things that are just not  true. 
The real thrust, is how they actually sound. 
Thats the proof of the science. All else is bunk.

05-05-2021 7:52p
mapman19,263 posts05-07-2021 7:49pmDiscounting science is a popular hobby with people these days it seems. It helps make some feel special I guess to discount things they do not understand and just say they know better and there is always a captive audience for that.  Just like for the crap fast food people eat and the junk shows on TV they eat up as well. Whereas the reality is that mastering any field of science or any other actual field of value (not merely unbridled ideology) is what actually makes people special. How about those Mars landings? How’d they do that? It takes an education and a lot of thought. It’s the only way to get things done. Wherever you might get it from.

Mars/space industry is a   complete totally waste of human effort and genius. 
Science has been a  phenomenon lately, but is there anything really to show that has made, can make life  in the future any better?
The most important science is being completely, well lets say is being severly neglected. That of psychology. 
Not the kind taught in the Universities, 
I am speaking of the studies Jung left behind, which are being ignored and worse misunderstood. 

Science is  the agent of man's genius that has and is now,  slowly but surely destroying the delicate balance of the earth;s natural eco systems. 
Science  gave the tools to destroy, can science now make tools to heal and restore the planet?
Look, I can see we have quite a few good thinkers, well rounded high intelligence participating on this topic.

But can we get back to some fundamentals concerning the main topic.
Audiophiles and who/why do they kid themselves in all their endeavous of tweaking, modding, upgrading,,,when the truth  of all their ventures at making a  better sound syatem,,, is not very well thought through. Let me try to clariy.

If you've followed my many posts past few weeks on the new wide  band speaker technology, You will know where I am comming from.

My ideas palce speakers at the pinnacle of our systems, Speakers are the heart and soul of the sound produced.

Amps/sources are only servants to the King (ie speakers) Nothing more.
In this sense.
Gather together all of Jadis' top of line components.
Now voice this system through,,say any xover design speaker you wish.
Jadis will only sound as good , or as bad as the speaker voicing the music.

Folks spend who knows how much on high priced cables , interconnects, new expensive Mundorf Caps, all sorts of high priced tweaks/mods/upgrades.

It will all be miniscule, yet the gains are real and this is why we make these tweaks.
(some are pure snakeoil, having not even a  miniscle gain in sonics))
Now what good was it to  go through all those tweaks/mods/upgardes,,when in fact these additives might just ~~NOt show up in the over all sound~~~
Faulty speaker design. 
Yep, bass is ok, highs not bad. 
Midrange 1k-6khz's, here there may be serious issues, = distortion/coloration.
Thus rendering all our efforts and not to mention money,,all near futile

All because we did not approach this hobby from a  well thought out ((scientific  rationale)  game plan, Perhaps we left common sense out the equation.

Why? How could we?

Marketing propaganda goes a  longg way to fool us all, thus we kid ourselves  all along the speaker Merry Go Round path.

I made a few critical observations just after I spend $1200++ on upgarding my 20 yr old Seas Thor speakers,,
I figured if I upgraded the Hovland caps to all Mundorf high end (=$$$$ EACH!!!) caps, I'd  have a  **super high fidelity* speaker, Like WOWW, Totally  transformed into something super musical.
))-: (sad, angry, frustrated) Where did I go wrong.. Brand new Seas Millennium tweets as my tech geek  said , *time for new ones they are off .5 ohms from original* + wrong, sounded exactly like the old Millenniums. 
= $1500 upgardes all for nothing. 
Only the W18's now had more slam, = Big deal, My classical really does not require **slam bass*
,,Hummm, Lets see , where do i go from here,,Gotta think,,hummm, what about those starnge, oddities on Ebay called **Full Range***, hummm, let me order a  few different ones, see what gives**

Millennium on one channel, DavidLouis 4 inch Full Range (150hz-12khz) on the other,,, Flipedd the balanced several times, 
Well actually the 1st flip, was 
The Awakening
Scientific experiement complete
= The Full Range  was the answer all along to my problem.
Off went the new Millenniums, and now today, just placeda  order for the new high tech wide  band drivers.

Now all my new Takman REy resistrs, Mundorf  caps in the Defy7, Jadis DAC, jadis linestage, new high tech silver/copper wiring throughout entire system , new high tech JFET opamsp,,now with a  speaker that has the capability to detect and voice these miniscule upgrades,, will be cleanly, clearly heard in all their brilliance.

Conclusion: WE must  begin to approach this hobby  froma  more careful thought out understanding of how each component is making its contribution to the final sound.

Somehow amplifiers has been given some Kingship status, as if  one  KT88 design will be something ~~more ~~ or something ~~ less~~~ of another
fact is, in my experiement, a tube = a  tube, with only slight nuance /miniscle of differences.

Thus amps have to be lowered in importance of the scheme.
Again a  good tube cd player = a  Good tube DAC, minisclue differences.
And so on , so forth. 
I did not say **negligible** , **not noticable**  But so little nuance as to make  a  tube amp = a  tube amp.
Now if amplifiers and sources have been lowered to Servant status, 
Which component now will  step up to sit in the Royal Seat of Kingship?
That  privilidge belongs to only 1 component
The Speakers
And now which Design is most musical to become Most critical component.
Its up to each of us  as individuals to make this hopefully ~~well thought out~~~ choice,.
Either Xover traditional .low efficiency  design. (The design that pushed Field Coils under the bus) 
Or Wide band/high sensitivity designs. 

Most give these essentuial Q's no sense of importance. 
I never did, just went along with the flow.
I began thinking outside *the box* (pun intended)

For me, there only exists one design that can rightfully sit in the Critical component seat, That of Field Coil's reborn as new wide band speakers.

If  we accept the new sciences in every single area of our lives, cp's, computers etc, Why not accept the New Technology in our audio hobby?

These new speaker technology is here to stay, 
It will eventually over take xover design sales, but it will come very slow,  very cautiosly, 
As folks fear the odd, the strange, the not well understood, = **No xovers??* How?  What are these weird  things?? 
Folks incredulously ask themselves. 
Xover designs are the only thing they know.
Little do they know these high sensitivity speakers may just be the lucky ticket to the  end of their speaker journey,
They can now finally get off the Speaker-Merry-GO-Round.
 They now have super high fidelity in their system for the very 1st time. 

Let us deny the past progaganda of speaker ads, and fully embrace what may bring us  into the New 21st Century audio experience.
It already exists, 
Why wait any longer?

At least thats how i sum things up after 30+ years experience in this hobby.
I am awakened now.
mahgister5,690 posts05-12-2021 4:49pm
Of course, one could make judgements and opinions of the sound - that’s a starting point, not an end point.
Good post....

Not only we can interpret the sound of this amplifier experience but we will interpret it differently in different conditions.

True and not true

The new  wide band speakers are inproduction. 
This for me is The End of The Speaker Road, The final spin on the Speaker-Merry_Go-Round for me. 
High sens  is The End of my xover speaker disaster journey.

Power tube amplifiers,, Most sound very close. 
The only component  which possess  gigantic difference in design types, are ~~Speakers~~
Xover designs , to me pretty much all sound the same, just different flavors of that paricular dish, 
A dish which i find horrible tasting.
Wide band, now here is the complete total opposite of xover designed speakers. Thus
Power tube = power tube, onlya  slight nuance here and there.
xover vs Wide Band
Night vs day, black vs white,
Extreme comparison. 
Either you like one and reject the other, 
Or love the one and hate the other.
No middle ground here. 
Ask yourself: When science has been corrected: how was it corrected?
That's right, by more science. It's a self-correcting method.

this is what is going on in the world of high fidelity speakers right now.
2 labs in germany wanted to know and discover, what was it that made the Field Coil speakers of the 1920's, made in Chicago Illinois  and Klangsfilm in Berlin/ so special in reproducing midrange/high fq's.
So they broke apart these drivers. Added in the experiements from Fostex, and Lowther and now have taken the old science and developed a  new speaker science.
Yet seems the audiophile community prefer to stay with the OLD-new science =
The xover science in speaker designs. 
We all fell for the marketing hype, ,, minus the horn crowd, they knew better. 
man I hope i never ever listen to a   speaker with a  xover in the 800hz=15khz range ever again.
I'm done with dome tweeters, ribbons, horns, ,,
Wide band for me is the   end of speaker technology. 
back to The Future, back to  1920's Chicago and Berlin. 

lhasaguy263 posts07-06-2021 7:51amI have read perhaps 30% of this thread, so excuse me if this post is redundant. I would like to suggest that science clearly has an effect that is demonstrable in many ways. However, the complexity that cannot be quantified and is one of the primary drivers of diverse opinions cannot be measured.

Each individual hears things differently due to having ears that have different abilities to process the signals being received. This is then assimilated by the brain, a vastly complex organ whereby two people can listen to the same thing and react very different.y to the same input. Implicit to the brains though created I. Response to the sound received are psychological components with regard to a variety of biases.

This might partially explain why some like horns, others enjoy planar speakers and yet others enjoy enclosed box speakers. The same is true for all components and the complexities synergy among those components.

Science can create better and better resolution, yet what sounds “best” is beyond anyone’s ability to create an element that spunds “Best” to everyone. Thus, we have the never ending arguments (to the joy of this forum) as to why their preference is better than yours.

Aint buying any of your ideas.

This sounds so so cliche, Just a  sweet sounding  truism which many here might well believe. 
Only in Jungian psychology is The Individual is the most critical factor. 
In speaker fidelity, no such thing as each his own. 
This fallacy reduces true high fidelity down to   never becomming defined and understood as a  objective fact , which is opposed to subjective faulty, biased opinion.

Science might tell us all the specs in graphs, measurements, other baloney to lead us astray...
In the end only the astute, qualified, highly sensitive judgement can say how the speaker really truthfully sounds.
By what standard shall we use?
That of the 1920’s Field Coils
These designs set the standards, and so we employ wide band as the judge against which all other speakers are rated.
= Xover designs fail miserably due to IN-Efficiency.
By low sensitivity they are crippled from voicing true bonifide high fidelity.
There is no such thing as to ecah his own tastes.
Thats baloney
Obviously you , among most here on audiogon, have never in your life heard a true high sensitivity driver.

Measurments can not tell how how a speaker will sound, The only most important spec is the sensitivity rating.
This is the only spec that can give us some inkiling of a idea how the speaker responds to the source energy.

Low sensitivity = distortion,
High sensitivity = true high fidelity.

Wide band/High sensitivity is The Bench mark against which all other designs are judged.
These wide band/full range are the speakers which define what is and is not high fidelity.

mahgister5,691 posts07-06-2021 7:58amThanks for your wise common sensical post...
My best to you....

Please note
Since when has the common opinion been  worth any value?
Only  someone unique and with higher sensibiliy  is able to say what speakers are high fidelty and those which fail the test. Sorry all speakers designs are not equal. 
There is only one design  that set the golden standard for all time.
xover designs are nothing more than propagandized commercialism , with only profits in mind. having nothing whatsoever to do with true high fidelity. 
xover speakers are fakes and frauds. 
Which the common audiophile sucked in hook/line and sinker