Why is Monster M1000i interconnect overlooked?

Category: Cables

Just purchased a pair of RCA's for my system and all I can say is Holy Mother of the Audio Gods...what a Freakin Great interconnect!!! I've had $20K cable rigs that pale by comparison to what this one interconnect has done for my system...my enjoyment of music! Coherent, dynamic, extended, full of texture, color and most importantly...palpability out the ying yang...like a great tube amp was placed in my system, except I have a Krell integrated!! Another example of how the industry mavens push product and not musical enjoyment!!

Showing 1 response by gdoodle

Some of us - like myself simply won't buy Monster products at all because we object to the company's business practices. Monster seems to spend way more time and money on suing over trademark infringement then they do on developing good products "in my opinion". A search of the US Patent Office website reveals hundred of lawsuits against every comapny that has tried to use the word monster in a product, website, title, company name - you name it. Monster.com, Monsters Inc, Monster Garage, the Boston Red Sox. There are a lot of small mom and pop companies that have really been hurt by their behavior.

I REALLY object to the idea that a company can trademark and OWN a simple English word such as monster. (How would like it if I trademarked the word cable or speaker or "hi-end"?)

There is something to be said for Karma - there are plenty of really cool, nice people and companies to do business with.

Spend a few hours readings some of these ridiculous suits.