Why is loudness compensation missing from "mid-fi"?

Very often I like to listen at low volume when writing or trying to fall asleep. Without adjusting loudness, a lot of my favorite records sound faint and hollow. My current setup lacks loudness compensation, so I simply fiddle with the tone controls, but it's a crude "solution" and a bit of a nuisance. I've been researching my next upgrade, and I find it strange that some entry level equipment has loudness compensation (e.g. Yamaha A-S301), as does some high end equipment (e.g. Accuphase), but usually nothing in between. (e.g. Yamaha A-S1100). Why is that?

Every time I'm about to pull the trigger on an A-S1100 I talk myself out of it by telling myself I'll still wish I had the Accuphase for loudness compensation. It's annoying, because my setup really doesn't warrant an Accuphase — or maybe it does, if I can't find what I want elsewhere?

Showing 1 response by gakerty

Wolf_garcia, this is exactly what I use my Loki for. It’s on a processor loop from my preamp. I rarely use it as an EQ except for "loudness" needs later at night and/or low level listening. Works like a charm!