Why Is Krell the a bad work???

I am new in this cyber town. Please explain why Krell is such a hated word? Most every review of there products are very positive. In fact I have a 200 FPB and love it.
Vegasears, just sit back and listen to the music and enjoy. No matter what you do someone is going to disagree, in particular on this web-site(no offense guys). I have listened to krell amps in my stereo they just never seemed to 'mate-up' as well as other products, does it make Krell junk? definetly not. I have heard some krell that sounds great, and if that is the case with your stereo(it sounding great) then there is absolutely no reason to make a changes. Enjoy your amp and happy listening.
I have never posted before which I think makes me a "lurker" in internet newsgroup jargon. But I can no longer sit on the sidelines and remain silent with respect to Krell. I received an extremely high pressure sales pitch from a NY dealer to chuck my beloved hodge podge of high end compnents for a Krell system and I think it SUCKS. I regret the day I sold my other equipment and I have never enjoyed the Krell stuff. I have found it hard, very bright and fatiguing to listen to through my B&W 800s which sounded magical with Conrad Johnson. It is true, Krell is overmarketed, over rated mediocre junk.
krell is good! owner of krell monos and pre,as with so many things ,its what you think is best that counts, dont let manipalitive people try to convince you other wise.let your ears lead you!
Everyones tastes are different. My personal opinion is that at first I love the crisp dynamics and powerful bass of Krell amps. I feel the sound is true and very exciting for the first 20 minutes or so depending on the material played. It is after extended listening that I feel it is too analytical and I don't feel drawn into the music. It becomes to sterile...just no sweetness to the music. At the price point of the Krell FPB line I would personally spend my money on another brand but I still think they make a fine product and the build quality is first rate. These observations are only of there class A amps and not of the KAV line which I think are a near sonic match with Parasounds line which make the Krell KAV line way over priced IMHO. Definately different strokes for different folks!!!
I've read the same about Mark Levinson gear. I have a ML333 amp and never read more opposing reviews on any other product. But I went with my ears and felt it was the truest sounding amp in my system. Quality power is key for amps and this has that.