Why is Double Blind Testing Controversial?

I noticed that the concept of "double blind testing" of cables is a controversial topic. Why? A/B switching seems like the only definitive way of determining how one cable compares to another, or any other component such as speakers, for example. While A/B testing (and particularly double blind testing, where you don't know which cable is A or B) does not show the long term listenability of a cable or other component, it does show the specific and immediate differences between the two. It shows the differences, if at all, how slight they are, how important, etc. It seems obvious that without knowing which cable you are listening to, you eliminate bias and preconceived notions as well. So, why is this a controversial notion?

Showing 1 response by gs5556

Because when you DBT, some people will hear differences where none exist and some will not hear differences when they do exist. This makes any so-called scientific study invalid since it cannot show which is right - those wo say that there are no differences and ones who say there is. It is much harder (maybe impossible) to prove by testing that you cannot discern differences than to say you can.

Why? I think it's because the brain will discern differences in sound when it wants to. It's part of our survival instinct (a police officer chasing an armed person can think a twig snapping is a gun being cocked and will react defensively). Also, not to pick on Twl, if you take Twl and his co-workers informal scientific, but fun, experiment: if I were to tell each of them that I replaced one component when I in fact did not, I would bet that more than one (maybe all) would have identified something as being changed. It's the way the brain works - if it thinks there is a difference, it will try its best to find one (especially with the peer-pressure factor thrown in). Conversely, if it thinks there is no difference, whether out of prejudice or justification, then it won't find one. But if you tell the brain there may be or may not be a difference, then it's up to the listening skills to be invoked - and that too varies wildly among people; to the point where if someone hears a difference in a component might not (and vice versa) in a DBT. That's the controversy IMO.