Why is abusive, negative content allowed?

There’s a certain member here, I think we all know who I am talking about, who continues to be little everyone else here with their rude and condescending remarks.  He continually tries to insult and creat strife and division.  It is not healthy for productive conversations or for the site.  
Why will the moderators allow this poison to ruin the site?  They are turning people off from coming here and trying to start positive, useful content.

It’s a cancer that should be removed otherwise it’s going to have detrimental effects on this site.  Is that so hard to understand for the moderators?

Tammy is so incredibly helpful but I don’t understand why this negative behavior is allowed to continue and fester...

I agree with many things you said; many valid points!  I agree that if you don’t like a post, don’t read it and move on.  The problem is when the individual posts on your thread, insulting you and everyone else, and derailing a constructive thread.

  If I don’t get banned from Audiogon (which I hope I don’t) I will move forward in a different way and do my best not to get wrapped up in all the negativity.

One thing for sure, words matter.  I know where your coming from, 100%
I've read some post that make me want to just, EXPLODE. Being polite and aware of others is an issue that just can't be understood by some.
Some folks have no empathy for others.  Sad but true.. They choose to be that way, whether, self induced, self imposed or just  to Fuc%ing stupid to care. I've read many brash comments by different individuals.
They just weren't taught or CHOOSE to be rude...

I'm an old mechanic, my job was to fix things...I would be cussed out for the machine being broke, and asked what took so long to get from CA to TX.  I would walk up on a site and hear everything, but the truth as to what's wrong, how it happened, how to fix it, how long it should take, Why didn't you bring the part? Full of answers, but a few, just a few good questions, went a long way... to get some good "how to fix it" data.

Get my point, some folks know everything... Just have to weed through the BS, and tell them when their a broken record, LOL or at least a BIG scratch, so to speak...

"Banned"  I don't think so...Agon is getting better. Best to hear it ALL and decide for yourself. Censorship and post deletion are never a good solution... EVER....

Thanks be it, your not that way....A better person for it too.. Ay..?

Better and Better every day....


Trolling is utterly pointless and I think it is too much to expect the moderators to jump in all the time to stop it. Rarely, I have had some very critical posts about me and it is unpleasant, but we are all big girls and boys, so suck it up.

It is a good idea if other people on the thread, who haven't
been trolled, tell the poster to put a sock in it, or get off the thread. Everyone has a right to be wrong headed, I am sure I am most of the time.

There was a great notice up in Richer Sounds, a budget UK electronics company, which said.

" The customer is always right, even when he is wrong, the customer is always right."

Why cant anybody make a perfect set of speakers? I mean a REALLY perfect set? One that EVERYBODY likes one and all. They should be built with 6 drivers, 3 front facing and 3 rear facing, have solid gold wiring, concrete cases and cost $200 each.
Read their post or not the choice is yours. Don’t be sensitive it’s just a opinion site. We all know the saying on opinions. 
I am not bothered by the self proclaimed audio gods. In fact sometimes I find them quite humorous. 
Just a few comments based on my experience on the forum in the past five months.
  • I’ve used the report button once.
  • amg56 is right to ask that we stay on an OP’s topic — at least initially — but some tangents go to really interesting places.
  • "Friction" is how we challenge one another’s misconceptions or faulty reasoning. But b_limo is right to call out those who cross the line into meanness or pettiness. Still, before I hit the report button, I try really hard to be charitable to see if the style of the response is intending to instruct. (But many of your are right that there are unquestionably cases or occasional patterns that betray malign intent.)
  • While this is not something to censor, I tend to skip past posts which answer a question by merely mentioning a product they happen to have bought. Unless a list has been called for by the OP, shouting out gear names without reasons is a big time-waste. (Even a little history -- "I had A, then, B, then C, and C was better for x, y reasons" -- mitigates this problem.)
  • As lg1 points out, I don’t like to be harangued because I asked a question that’s been asked before — I do try to research my questions before taking people’s time up with them. That said, some posters have been very helpful by gently reminding me to go look at an earlier thread. That’s been great, and if that ends the thread for my own post, that’s just fine. I’m really posting to get answers, mostly. not just shoot the sh*t.
  • One thing which has kept me on the forum is that in the few times I was flamed for my question, I just held my tongue and then others came in and redirected the conversation back to my OP. There are some good sheepdogs around here — and I’ve typically sent them a private message thanking them. This has lead to some nice private exchanges for me.
  • Final opinion, I really decry irrelevant political commentary and sniping. One thing which has been a true godsend to me about audio is the apolitical nature of it. It relaxes me to be, for once, in a space where politics won’t crash in and set tempers flaring. It’s also reassuring for me to think that someone who’s political views I’d disagree with could nevertheless teach me something about audio — that we have common ground, after all.