Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?

I hear that the music fidelity of a multi-channel AV Receiver/Integrated amp can never match the sounds produced by a 2 channel system. Can someone clearly explain why this is so?

I'm planning to upgrade my HT system to try and achieve the best of both worlds, I currently have a 3 channel amp driving my SL, SR, C and a 2 channel amp driving my L and R.
I have a Denon 3801 acting as my pre. Is there any Pre/Proc out there that can merge both worlds with out breaking my bank? Looking for recommendations on what my next logical steps should be? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by opticaltee

I used to be a strickly 2 channel guy until I upgraded my controller to a Theta Digital Casablanca lll. My system has now converted me to a multi channel listener with everything. Now when I listen to CD's even my old REO Speedwagon "You can tune a piano, but you can't tunafish" it sounds absolutely amazing. The rear channels aren't just a mix of crap from the front anymore. The rear is more defined and precise, of course the newer recordings use better technology and it is more noticable. It is personal preference so I will never tell a two channel guy he is missing out on anything, unless of course, he makes me by telling me two channel should sound better to me, but technology has improved so much with high end multi channel that it is truly amazing. The only thing I don't like is once I fire that beast up and I say that because it uses more power than my A/C unit, it's hard to get me away from it. I have over 1000 CD's so I can sit for half a Saturday listening to them. Don't even get me started on the DVD's. The more I upgrade my multi channel system the more I enjoy multi channel. Even my strictly two channel friend has commented how impressed he is with the quality of multi channel now, but that doesn't mean he is converted. When I had my first mid-fi Carver, JBL set up it was great at the time with movies, but my clock radio sounded better than the multi channel for music. To each his own, whatever someone prefers is what sounds the best. As long as you like it who cares what everyone else says? Just make sure it doesn't hurt my ears when you turn it up, that's all!