Why HiFi manufacturers don't make active crossovers anymore?

Hello to all,

On the recent days, I noticed that a lot of manufacturers of Hifi 2 channel systems, had plenty of options in a not so long past, of active crossovers, like Luxman, Accuphase, higher end Sony stuff, and many more, why do you think HiFi manufacturers abandoned the inclusion of active cross overs, channel dividers, in their lineup?

Accuphase still makes a digital one.

Appears that this devices are only still relevant in the Pro Audio world, why Home HifI abandoned the active cross over route? It's correct to assume that?

I think that can be very interesting tri-amp a three way loudspeakers with active cross overs, would like to know more about it too...

Share your thoughts about the subject, experiences in bi-amp and tri-amp with active crossovers and etc....


Showing 3 responses by phusis

@cosmicjazz --

... Accuphase still makes a digital one.

Appears that this devices are only still relevant in the Pro Audio world, why Home HifI abandoned the active cross over route? It’s correct to assume that?

If it’s the case that typical home hifi manufacturers have more or less "abandoned" active cross-overs (I wouldn’t know because I haven’t looked into it), then I’m not the one to decry that - as long as there are quality pro audio items still to be had, and much cheaper at that.

The main reason for my position on this, as indicated, lies in what is brought up by poster @steve59 in his mention of a Bryston DSP XO that retails for an alleged $13k; I can only assume other hifi manufacturers would follow or equal by example in a similar price range with claims to justify the elevated expense not unlike what Bryston has put forth, and yet a pro audio DSP XO like the Xilica XP-3060 retails for about 1/10 of that, measures excellently (even against much more expensive Lake products), and from what I’m able to assess it’s sonically very close to transparent as used in my own setup.

The Xilica unit doesn’t look like much nor caters to hifi aesthetics wrapped in its black, pro audio "clothing" and with rack mounting holes, but it fulfills its purpose as a professional, highly capable, pro audio tested and sonically close-to transparent DSP. In reply to the Bryston "showman" this is not just some plate amp, but a high quality DSP that still retails for about 1/10 of their product. I would dare anyone to put them head-to-head and do their objective findings.

I can only guess as to why active cross-overs aren’t represented by hifi manufacturers more than they are, but it appears active configuration as discrete components is mostly sought out in the DIY and pro arena, and as such is simply not a saleable item in the hifi milieu where active speakers are mostly whole package deals - be they run via DSP’s or "old fashioned" electronic cross-overs.

Myself I still only use the Xilica + amp-direct-to-driver for subs duties, but my main speakers with passive cross-overs are also run through the Xilica implementing a high-pass filter only (no delay or PEQ is used as-of-yet). I am considering by-passing the passive XO in the bass horn of my main speakers to run them fully active - this would be interesting for a variety of reasons. Going full-active with the mids and tweeter compression drivers is something I’ll likely avoid for the time being.
@mahlman --

That 3060 is what I run too. What do you have for a system? You are right about DIY and pro usage.

Just looked over your setup via your profile - great to see you using all-horns as well. Do you use both systems depicted? 

You can view my system via my profile, only change being that the Crown Macro-Tech 1200 sub amp will be replaced by a Crown K2 in the near future. 
Hey phusis that is a nice looking setup and I have heard good things about the lilmikes.

Thanks, mahlman. Lilmike has made some great subs. Initially I considered a pair of the Cinema F20 FLH’s, but wound up being invested in the characteristics of tapped horns instead, also thinking about building the LilWrecker TH’s which are tuned some 5Hz lower than my MicroWrecker’s. There’s no free lunch, though, as they say; a 5Hz lower tune in this case eats up about 5dB’s of sensitivity, further limits the usable upper bandwidth, and turns them into 30 cubic feet or 850 liter monsters (the MW’s are 20 cubic feet per cab - not small by any stretch of the imagination). I also considered Josh Ricci’s Gjallarhorn tapped horns fitted with an 18" driver, but they’re huge, and the driver they’re build around, the TC Sounds LMS Ultra 5400 (weighing in at a ludicrous 80lbs) can no longer be had. Lastly I very strongly considered Ricci’s Othorn, fitted with a B&C 21" driver (the 21SW152 - a beast) and indeed the runners-up to my MW’s, but budgetary constraints mainly had me favor the MW’s.

What drivers are you using on the top section? I have a rebuild LSI bass bin I am thinking of making into a two way with a 2" compression driver for 500hz to 18khz . Are those Fastrac horns and were they made from stacked Baltic Birch? I have a CNC mill and I an thinking of making some mid horns too.

Midrange compression driver in the Uccello’s is the B&C DCM50, and the tweeter is the DE10 - also from B&C. The midrange horn is a "variation" of or slightly modified version of the Eliptrac 400 (the modification, to my knowledge, seems to entail the edge of the mouth of the horn, and how it meets the baffle here) and yes, it’s made of CNC’d, stacked birch plywood.

What’s the details of the bass horn you’re using with the 402 mids horn - does it sport a 15" driver, and how low is it tuned? Any thoughts on the 2" (exit) driver to use?

I am a Crown guy too. Went the consumer route for a while and tried all that "painless one touch" room correction junk and never was satisfied. You just can’t beat the price and clean output of pro amps with consumer gear.

Crown has made some extremely capable amps. Once considered buying a used Crown Studio Reference II - a lovely, very underappreciated amp that I could see go favorably up against a range of much more expensive commercial amps - and within the next month will replace my old Macro-Tech 1200 with a K2 for subs duties. What Crown are you using?