Why have the prices of Marantz and Sansui speakers have gone up so much? Whyyyy???

Couldnt give them away before. If they were considered junky sounding before how are they all of sudden golden sounding and collectable and people spending stupid money on them? Im at a loss of words.

Showing 5 responses by vinny55

I dont see realistic speakers going up crazily in value like marantz and sansui but willing to bet the realistic sound alot better
@kosst_amojan you have to listen to vintage tannoys jensen ev Goodmans etc blow your mind musically pleasing
@jafant i love and own lots of Marantz and Sansui equipment but im not fanatical or biassed to acknowledge that their speakers are terrible.
I dont worship everything marantz or Sansui does because its a sansui or marantz
 @wolf_garcia were Ns10s so good or that bad? I know the ns 1000s were well regarded