Why have the prices of Marantz and Sansui speakers have gone up so much? Whyyyy???

Couldnt give them away before. If they were considered junky sounding before how are they all of sudden golden sounding and collectable and people spending stupid money on them? Im at a loss of words.

Showing 2 responses by kqvkq9

Well I rather like my old lattice grille Sansui speakers. Admittedly, they're all garage sale or Craigslist items of questionable parentage and minimum cost but given good tube amplification they can sound glorious. that doesn't mean that I don't avoid fancy pants speakers, it just means that I don't delude myself that you must spend a boatload or it can't sound good. I've had plenty of expensive gear that wasn't all that great.My old Sansui speakers are fun. That's the whole idea.