Why has amplifier power become a big issue

Back in the day I drove my Advent speakers that were very inefficient with 30 watts per channel. Today I run Vandersteen 2 ce speakers which are more efficient then the old Advents with 50 watts per channel and way more current. By most this is underpowering the Vandersteens, what has changed?

Showing 1 response by kijanki

Power specification is very vague.  Average music power is only a few percent of the peak power.  Headroom of the amplifier is very important but most of the time not even specified.  

I also enjoy  my class D amp, especially at lower volume.  It does not loose composure, provides perfect imaging and strong bass.  It is closer to tube amp, in sound, than any SS amp I had.  In addition many amps, including my class D amp, have soft clipping, protecting tweeter from excessive amount of HF harmonics.