Why flag a post?

Just interested, being here on the forums for almost twenty years I have never flagged a post. The function must be there for a reason though. We are all different. Are some just more easily offended, or more sensitive to the, at times, course ebb and flow of the forums?

Showing 9 responses by uberwaltz

The more I think about it the more I think.


That Elizabeth might be right and it’s time to blow this joint.

The Welsh are reknowned for having no sense of humour.
All Brits agree...…..
Not much need for the arrows with a quote methinks.
Not sure about that one either.

However by including that post in my post I have also given the mods more work as to do the job correctly in ridding profanity they would need delete my post too.
So I will do that for them as a mistake on my part.

So yes, the arrows would have been more appropriate in this case.

Unfortunately most heated debates just end up spiralling down into the childish personal attacks and slander category.
Too many cannot handle their views or opinions being countered as not being the absolute be all and end all of all things audio.
Only if it is a Union Jack.

Lmao @almargΒ 

Wink, wink,nudge,nudge, say no more, say no more.

Nods as good as a wink to a blind horse.
My main reason would be for the obvious spam and junk posts that were occurring a few months ago and were just clogging the forums.

It does appear Agon has fixed that but at that time whenever I saw any I flagged them to bring to attention of the mods so they could clean up in aisle 5!