Why few discussion on Audio Machina CRM, CRG, CRS?

Hi guys,
I am interested in these speakers but there are not much discussion on them. What are your comments on these?
What did you compare them with?


Showing 2 responses by wslam

Hi Hamburger,

I just took delivery of 3 pairs of CRM.

They are truly fantastic speakers. I too am surprised they do not receive more attention.

I also own a pair of Maestro Ti-200, and will upgrade to the Maestro S when they become available.

To ans your question, I think it is simple why they do not get much coverage. If you have ever communicated with Karl, you will know he just focuses on his work. He is a 'function-driven' designer. Form is quite secondary to him. He builds each speaker personally, from machining to crossover design/execution. It is as bespoke as it gets in the audio industry.
But as a result, his output is very limited. He sells mostly to Japan if I understand correctly. And as far as I know he has no distributor in the U.S. He does no advertising, no 'PR'. Very low profile. You know mags like Stereophile will only review your prod if you have a certain number of dealers in the US.

If you are interested, email me, I can share more with you. I urge you go listen to them if you have the chance. They are fantastic speakers by any measure, and some of the very very best value in the audio world. a true dark horse.

Glad to hear from Atmasphere about his impression on Karl's speakers. Most of Karl's designs are quite easy to drive as he uses truly simple (does not mean it's not sophisticated) first order crossovers.

The CRM are amazing for their size. I just tried them out the other day and was extremely impressed. Huge soundstage, excellent tonal balance. They honestly sounded better than the Magico Mini II I had in the same room. I have not tried the Q1, but the CRM are really very special.