Why even bother?

I have some general questions.
How any audiophile could be serious about having tuner in his of her system?
The FM signal is so compressed that sound is way far inferior to the sound from any records, CD and even tape.
Why some hi-end companies are still produce them?
I haven't seen any discussions regarding this matter.
What is your opinion?
Hey, gentlemen.

You are missing the point.

I am not against tuners at all. I do enjoy my portative one and one in my car as well.

I am talking about stereophile system that we listening from our "Sweet Spot".

During those times I rather listen to something I prefer and not what on the radio at that time.

I have never herd about anybody listing to MP3's on hi-end system, just because it is compressed and flat and doesn’t have enough data to reproduce a good recording.

So my question was purely in the respect to audiophile point of view.

I hope I haven't offended anyone.

Enjoy the music!!!

You have to get in touch with Sedond. He's a high end guy with FM radio as his primary source. His knowledge of FM tuners is truly outstanding and I visited his house a bout year and a half ago. Sounds really decent.
I have recorded from my tuner in the past
ONTO Minidisc, for a local show called
"Rock Of The 80`s". Now that i`ve recorded onto
120 Minidiscs, I DON`T need the tuner anymore.
So, it just sits there. Minidisc is SOOO nice,
the ability to edit, move, delete, combine,
alter, any song in ANY order, IS A PLUS!
I agree, many non-commercial radio stations don't compress very much at all. I volunteer (and had previously worked in management and production) at one and it was the same deal--we kept VERY little comp on the transmitter, and in fact have NO added compression on the program bus. It's all live mix over the air BTW, nearly no automation like you have at the cookie-cutter corporate joints, so the on-air jocks have to really watch their meters because clips will most definitely be heard over the air, especially now that they've installed a *blech* digital hybrid console *gag* Oh, headroom, I shall miss thee...

FWIW I don't have a tuner right now but would like one, particularly to listen to classical music--I don't know anything about classical and don't even know where to start with buying, especially since there is none available on vinyl around here...so it would be great to be able to hear it over the waves and get an idea for what I like, and for free no less. But I have no money or shelf space for a tuner right now, unfortunately...