Why Don't We Hear About Polyfusion More?

I have just picked up the 960 power amp and was majorly impressed by the sound and the build. Plus, it has output "meters", LED's that show the amp working. I had no idea the Maggies sucked so much power!

I am just curious why this company doesn't get more press or recognition with the audio press or audiophiles?

Showing 1 response by ezmeralda11

Way back when I recalled seeing them in Stereophile's recommneded components, say '93-94. They tended to be of a more pro-audio pedigree if I recall, at least with the market they oriented themselves too, still high-end performance and price though. I kind of wonder if they just don't/didn't care to play popularity games, especially if they have a healthy market somewhere else. I could be wrong though. But Wadia used to never submit products for reviews. And I don't know if Quicksilver still doesn't, they used to be the same way and if it got a review it was cause the reviewer owned and/or bought the thing.