Why Don't People Search The Forum Archives?

What CD player has a volume Control? Newbee in the world of analog? What are the best cables for the money?

Sound Familiar?

I spent some time searching the forum archives, and was amazed at the wealth of information contained within. Often, many individuals have and post legitimate questions. Although, these questions (in many cases) have been answered time and time again in the forum archives.

Unfortunately, due to the redundancy of these questions, many of the well established Audiogoner's will no longer respond to these redundant/repeat questions. This may leave the individual asking the question feeling somewhat neglected, not realizing that their question has been answered and/or discussed many times previous.

I also find it interesting, that Audiogon management explicitly states in the "What We Will Decline" section of "Moderation Guidlines", that questions of repetitional nature will be filtered and declined.


The forum archives are a tremendous resource of information. Is there a manner in which individuals posting in the forum could be directed to the forum archives BEFORE posting their particular question? I mention this because the individual posting, may find more complete coverage of their particular question already exists, yielding them much more thorough results/information. Could the Audiogon moderators utilize "keywords" of a newly asked question in order to refer to the archives before that particular question is actually posted?

Would this be considered or construed as unreasonable?

Could this be considered "overmoderated"?

Any suggestions/input?

Showing 1 response by jdr999

I would like more functionality available for searches.

I still don't even know how the results are sorted. If I search for "Linn" the first result is from 2001, the second from 2000, and the third from 2004. They don't even appear to be sorted alphabetically.

Here are the first 5 results I get:

Linn Majik vs Kairn/LK85
Linn vs Wadia
Alarm settings with RCU and Linn Movie Di
Linn Majik biamp question
Adding phono stage to Linn Majik

This makes no sense. Can anyone explain how this works??

At the very least we need date sorting.