Why don't higher end amplifiers come with a separate power chassis?

Many higher end preamplifiers come with separate power boxes, but I don't see amplifiers with separate boxes, any idea why this might be?


Showing 1 response by itsjustme

I design power amps.

Simple: cost.  The added chassis adds a LOT of cost that could be invested in more important improvements. And it hits again raising shipping costs, also a LOT.  The advantages can be minimized through shielding of the only noisy parts - the transformers. Finally, all power amp signals are fairly large, so they are not terribly suceptible to noise compared to things like DACs and RIAA (phono) stages.  The input to a power amp is, by convention ~ 1V rmp for full output.  The input of some moving coil cartridges, by way of comparison, is 1/2 of 1/1000th V (in other words 00.5 mV). Line stage preamps fall int he middle.

That said, for a recent prototype that i constructed i did just that - mostly to make it easier to work on and experiment with tho.....but everyone seems to thinkl its cool. :-)