Why does the recording sound better?

I have a Cambridge azur 840C CDP/DAC balanced connected to a Krell KAV 400xi amp. I just made a back-up of a CD I purchased (Alanis Morissette havoc and bright lights, great recording)to a light-scribe disk and i noticed the recording sounded better than the original in many respects. Now here's the kicker, I loaded the CD to my I-Pod (lossless)and played through my Wadia IDock 171I through the Digital inputs on my Cambridge CDP mentioned above. I'm at a bit of a loss as to why a recording may sound better than the original, any thoughts? I should mention I just received my CDP back from repair, which included a new transport, caps and firmware 1.2.

Showing 1 response by tom6897

You are not comparing apples to apples either. Bad science = bad conclusions.