why does preamp improve sound quality?

I recently listened to a Mark Levinson no.390s CD processor directly connected to a pair of Quad II-forty five tube amps. When a matching Quad preamp (much cheaper than the Levinson) was placed between the Levinson and the amplifier, the sound improved dramatically even at moderate volume- it became much more clear and transparent. Why would this be the case? Wouldn't adding an extra piece of equipment add more distortion?

Showing 1 response by gregm

An attenuator (passive) doesn't control anything but the volume function (voltage usually). In a passive attenuator, it's the source component that effectively drives the load via the volume control + connecting wires. If one has a source with a strong output stage &, say, a compatible impedance TVC (or a carefully designed ladder) there should be no problem in driving the load without an active stage inbetween...
Of course, change the source & you may have problems.