why does my plasma tv screen occasionally blank

I have a Samsung PN42A450 connected via hdmi to pioneer elite vsx 92 txh receiver. my time warner hd cable box is also connected to the receiver via hdmi.
My problem is every few weeks on some occasions the tv screen goes completly blank and black for a second or two without any sound and then comes back to normal. this keeps repeating sometimes every few minutes.Please advice
thank you.

Showing 5 responses by blindjim

It's likely none of the above, save for the note on it being the box itself.

When I had Time warner, then later called Bright house, and now Verizon FIOS, updating the software inside the box can and does sometimes cause the video to drop out... sometimes both the audio and video drop out for a litte bit.. seconds or a minute.

With FIOS this happens nightly between 2 - 4AM. the cable co is looking to see what PPV movies I've watched, IF ANY, and updating their software or simply checking to see how many boxes are connected. Sometimes these actions will necessitate a reset of the box too.

oft times the cable co will say it's not them or it's not supposed to do that, but it is them and as it happens so far off peak times, while we're supposedly sleeping, very few folks ever mention it to them.

Do try another box though too.
All the aforementioned items herein may well be it too and if a simple replacement of the converter doesn't fix things, then look there.

Another item too could be the sender. the ch sending the info to the cable co can sometimes have intermittent drop outs. I assumed however, that as no particular ch was mentioned this was a global event... no matter the channel, it would happen now and then.

Could be a wealth of things, bugs, birds, rats, sun spots, immensely brief periods of narcolepsy, but I'll go with the box itself first... as all else is working without this irritating event.


VERIZON FIOS has less bugs. Service and billing are another issue altogether. Some of their techs too are ham handed and thoughtless. Mostly however any issues I've had were resolved within a day... depending on what and when the issue arose. which was far quicker than bright house cable/time warner's response time for any issue.

The service I had the least trouble with was DTV. once the thunderstorm passed from being directly overhead, all was well. but of course... no phone or web.

Verizon billing just flat out is terrible. In my area following some outage of any portion of service, the customer has to call billing to ensure a credit is applied for it. it is not automatic as was with all other com providers.

their package prices are not uniform either, and they will not inform current customrers of further savings until you inquire personally. To correct one such instance took four months of me calling them each month before a final resolution or remedy was delivered.

I must say however, the quality of the phone line, web, and video are very very, good.

Pray for FIOS or get DTV for less troublesome video. Then all you have to worry about are trees, airplanes, birds, squirrels, slow moving storms, and sun spots.

uh... I'll pray too.
I have occassionally some dropouts when changing channels from HD to others, or vice versa. None are extended in duration though... just a couple seconds... sometimes. sometimes less... sometimes it's instantaneous.

if this is your case, I think it's a combination of things and no one device in particular. The box has to acquire it... likely, buffer it... transmit it to at least a display... and/or a processor and then to a display.

When one thinks about it, getting the HD info at all is remarkable... some say still more for it to come along a cable. I suppose my temperment is to blame as well. That and the previously faster connection speed of ariel, or SD contents ability to appear less encumbered... quicker. I got used to that quickly, and I guess I expect content that has tremendously greater body of information to duplicate that experience.

Past that when I have any trouble with gear, I look to the source from which the info comes first and try to isolate where the issue stems from following the chain downstream from there. When it happens with only one source, or only one item or two are in comon, that's where I look.

I hope your issue is resolved easily and quickly.
try adding even an indoor antenna temporarily to see if it is... or hook the DVD player up to the plasma directly.

if the only source which allows the intermittent reception is the cable box, then it's not the new TV. regardless the cables being used.

Trying other sources first, AND THEN other CABLES going into the TV sure ought to isolate where the issue stems from BETTER.

Very good luck.