Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.

Showing 9 responses by bongofury

You are sucking lemons. I see and hear dozens of bands everyday that are the equal of the bands you mention.
The difference is that the labels have gone away, and with that, recording studios have gone away as well. Bands do not have access to six figure recording budgets any more, and if they do record, usually self-finance it. In fact, the only real money they make is through live touring. So get out of your #$%@^& rig cave and go to a show. I went and saw three this week: Mumford and Sons, the XX and Watsky. All brilliant. Sorry you are missing out. Oh wait, I am not sorry. Just tired of my generation taking this position, over and over.

You probably need to shake your blues at a local rave. Try something called E. You won't worry about the Mayans again.
Agree with Toddnkaya

Talent always rises like cream. There are 80,000 to 300,000 bands online. That makes for a big pool.

All the music I listen to is new bands. I love new music. Bored to death with iconic bands. They had their place and time. But the time is now. I could care less for four decades ago. 2013 is where it is at in 2013.
I have learned many things while being open to what is new. In fact, I have built a nice library of music across over 40 genres, including classic rock, as well as exotic genres like J-Pop, K-Pop, African, Icelandic, etc.... There are 6 billion people on this earth, of which a small percentage have chosen music as their artistic expression. This whole "this sucks" attitude so reeks of being a narcissist, rather than seeing the goodness that someone else has achieved some uniquely newer art that speaks to your inner sensibilities. Who cares if something stands the test of time, when today you can have something new to add to the soundtrack of your life.
Not kidding. Love diversity of artists. To hit rewind to Hendrix, Zep and the Beatles, your "so-called" artists, invokes a level of no progression in thinking. Your children's art on the frig opens you up to see the same qualities in Paul Klee. I hate this one size fits all.
Csontos: Beer does not age. It is best the day it was brewed. They call it FRESHNESS. Old beer is called STALE.
I doubt any of the haters on this chain have actually: a) stepped into a record store that champions new music (Burger Records in Fullerton, CA has a stable of great young bands and regularly sells cassettes of these), b) attended a club performance, c)preview music on online sources like Spotify.

I can name a dozen bands I am grooving on from each of these three sources. And the kids are not buying into your argument.

Having attended the last three years of the SHOW in Newport, what I see in the audiophile world is a demographic one foot away from the grave. Too many OEMs chasing too few monied and aged consumers.

In the meantime, I see millions of kids enjoying music on their portable devices. Internet radio now accounts for 5 hours in a day of active listening.

So to the haters: the world will grow new a day at a time,
and no one will likely care about your experience.
No Missy Elliot? No Public Enemy? No Outkast? No Roots?
All you audiophiles are just bass shy playing that album oriented rock.