Remakes and originals are two different animals.
Actusreus, the operative here is not that it sucks, but the 'why' it sucks. I think the answer does require getting out your calculator. |
So it's like Actusreus said then? Cuz I sure don't remember a willingness to explore being a prerequisite 40 years ago. It just happened. Ever heard of fruition? Why shouldn't everything come together and happen at the same time? It happened that way with everything else. Why not with music? |
Subject matter hasn't changed one iota from ancient times to classical to modern. Don't know what you're talking about. Revolutions bring new, but similar subject matter."There is nothing new under the sun", to quote one of the best known phrases in history. |
Cal, I don't listen to Zeppelin anymore either, but I do put on the Beatles. Doesn't make me feel cool, though. Or nostalgic. They're just good. |
I should add that if there's a band that's timeless, it's the Beatles. |
When has it been any different? We're expressing opinions here. As far as Iggy goes, I'd say compared to lots of new stuff, it's fairly complicated. |
You're kidding, right? My kids grew out of their narcissistic tendencies as we stopped posting their crayon art on the refrigerator. Although it sucked really bad, to us it was beautiful so there was no issue whether or not to break it to them gently. All kinds of achievement going on there. Are you suggesting you guys posting these you tube examples and the like should be treate3d the same way? Here we go again calling the kettle black. Are you really talking about these so-called artists? |
But the size changes with perception. You would have made the same statement 50 years ago. You're beating it up just because it's history? My goodness, yesterday is history. There's serious progressive thinking going on in the older music. Far more progressive than current. It's the current stuff lamenting the lack of progression! And they are timeless precepts, facts of life and such. These new guys have nothing left to sing about. It's been sung. On top of the fact there's no new worthwhile melodies left. They're hopelessly crouched in the desert with no where to go and nothing to drink. |
'You ain't never took no boat ride til you ridin on the Ella B'. |
Marcel Proust..."The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes , but in having new eyes". Me... "Either way you look at it, after cracking open a bottle of new wine, you're always going to prefer the old". |
We're drinking 300 year old bottles now. What do you think? |
Maybe, but I was referring to music. |
I don't think I'll make it that long. If Kieth Richards decides to do life again I'll consider it:) |
Yeah, but I wouldn't take Lou too too seriously. He's been on the 'edge' for quite a while:) Lots of pure noise. |
Bongo. Seriously? Haters of what? Those who say they like lousy music? That's a pretty revealing expletive, don't you think? It's interesting to note those on your side of the fence(which btw was erected by those on your side)never refer to those on the other side as haters of good music, but only haters of "The New Music". That's also pretty revealing isn't it. There isn't a person in this whole world, never mind on this site that hates good music regardless of when it was perceived. You've shown there definitely is a line between one and the other. |
Either that or we've all finally come down:) |
Bad analogy. Nobody wants the same gourmet meal every night. |
Doomed to what? I'm ready to debate till the cows come home. This is a different kind of fun. |
It's already done all that stuff, though. All you have to do is discover it now. It's not going to do it again. There is no higher level, only lower, much lower. Do you think the past music you refer to wasn't understood at a high level just because you related to it without effort? Music evokes, it doesn't demand. Otherwise it's just noise. |
Lots of gourmet meals to choose from:) |
Actusreus' response is the most intelligent one so far. |
I find it laughable that sound quality is a mitigating factor in a decision to listen to otherwise substandard compositions of what music should actually be defined by. This is clearly not about the music but all about the expenditure. The joke's on you guys:) |
Second the 'It sucks wind' post.
Oh, almost forgot... !! |
Aren't you forgetting something? |
No. Your prediction for the appeal of the 'new music' 100 years from now:) |
Hearing crap 'back in the day' and hearing it now brings you to the same conclusions. There's no mystery. We have plenty of examples from way back when too. |
No. Don't know where you were during the vinyl days but the record store, A.K.A., Sam The Record Man let you either play albums already open, or open and play on a pair of probably 6 or 8 available ear phone sets. Mind you, you had to be an established customer to open one up. And there was always scuttlebutt about the non-worthwhile crap. So still no comparison to today, I'm truly sorry to say. |
There's a music store I frequent up here with both loads of vinyl and cds. They'll play a cd or album for you but they won't open a new re-issue vinyl which stands to reason. I really don't see how choice has been compromised at all in any way, shape, or form as it relates to any era. |
I never said they did. What I'm asserting is what was available was easily accessible/attainable, always. Then, and now. One way or another. When you add that stuff together with the shitload of crap being produced today, of course there's more being offered. No argument there. This 'owner's budget', 'offering preferences', 'physical store size', etc. is another load of you know what. Any decent establishment was happy to order what you were looking for. They had catalogues and I was one happy customer:) |
Oh I got it alright and they're in my collection. You torch bearers seem to think that us so called new music 'haters' are a bunch of lazy whiners. Show me one post where some one's lamenting 'oh woe is me'. You guys are the lazy whiners who can't seem to get it through your heads that there's more music than you'll ever be able to listen to just once not including this new garbage which is basically noise. We're just wise enough to not engage in a futile exercise. |