Why does Cary Audio keep discontinuing good amps?

Is this to keep us buying from them? Why not upgrade good designs?

Showing 2 responses by kiwi_1282001

Yes Casouza - as Dtc asks, is there any substance to your claim on the SLP-05? As an owner of the product and being in frequent dialog with other owners of this product - I've not experienced or heard of SLP-05 rectifier tube failure.
Casouza - again I find myself in agreement with Dtc. "Two swallows does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy" as Aristotle once opined...

The evidence of a unreliable design would be found in widespread disatisfaction of the product, forums full of lament and woe and perhaps even a product recall.