Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?

I'm curious why you still play CDs in the age of streaming. I recently got back into CD listening and I'm curious if your reasons align with mine, which are:

  • Enjoying the physical medium—the tactile nature of the case, the disc, the booklet, etc.
  • Forcing myself to actually listen to an album, versus being easily distracted by an algorithm, or "what's next" in my playlist.
  • Actually owning the music I purchase, versus being stuck with yet another monthly subscription.



Showing 15 responses by jayctoy

It’s not practical to spend more money to buy streamer and pay monthly subscriptions. 

Soix I agree $11 is cheap but you still have to buy streamer dac and cables. Though my marantz sa10 can be use on streaming.Again Iam very happy streaming is available.its shows many here play cds because they have good collections and good cd players and dac /transport set up.

I also have two sets of vynil set using SME 10 and VPi tt ? So I already plenty to play with. So I don’t need streaming at this time.

I play cd because I have good collections. This are sacd, xrcd, and they are excellent. Some of my cd they are not on streaming. Also I don’t have the energy to try to put up a good streaming set up.i also have excellent sacd players and dac/transport set up .

I have a friend who told me the same thing cd sounds better than streaming. I ask him why ? He said too much upsampling on the streaming because of that the music no longer sound natural. I don’t know if this true?Actually his step son in law came to visit Him from out of state.He bought many cds because he said cds sound better than streaming on the systems he heard.

It’s hard to compare cds and streaming because of variables on every set up. Let say I brought my SA10 to my friend house . Obviously his streamer is already matching his system, my player will need acclimation time to perform its best.The the price between the sa10 and the streaming set up. Because of this the argument will not end. On my end I heard good streaming set up as well cd players set up.Both set up are good if done right.

Lalitk maybe your streaming set up is excellent compare to your sacd or cd set up. In this case streaming will be better.iam only speculating.

Richardbrand I did not know classical is you say dreadful on streaming? I listen to classical 50%. I have not heard classical on streaming even at axpona..

And if internet is down will you have music?Upstate audiophile I agree with you.

Jnovak did you read Blisshifi post Topping d90 dac has characteristics of Tambuququi Mola mola dac?

Lalitk let’s say your previous pricey 26 k streaming vs an esoteric 25ks sacd/cd player or DAc/ transport worth 25k  Of course without hooking them up it’s hard to compare. What will be your guess?

If I ever I go to streaming it will be for convenience, like others I have maybe 1500. Cd  ,200 sacd, 100 xrcd, 25 reference recording, FIM and LIM recording most of them. I do love their sound and many more collectors items cd. I think the comparison of streaming and cds is avery complicated because we all have different listening skillls and systems.

Soix how many songs you can play in one day be realistic . Thru it’s nice to have millions of choices but you can even play 10% of those millions in your life time. Is this like Imelda Marcos having thousands of shoes? That she did not wear?I respect your opinion don’t get me wrong.