Why Do You Post?

I come here to poke fun ONLY... No need for tech talk. AG could care less. I'm trying to draw the TROLLS out.. I'm bored.

This is what someone posted in an active thread.  I'm dumbfounded!

I come to Audiogon to learn and share information, keep abreast of audiophile happenings and to gain exposure or insight into music.  I thought I was in the majority camp of users, but based upon the above quote, could be I'm not.


Showing 2 responses by whitefishpoint1175

I find this entire forum to be a pit of vipers.
Such hostility and insolence is rampant in these pages and posts.

Some with good intent only fan the flames and seek to keep intact their internet fiefdom.

To date I have only found a few useful posts that were interlaced with neo political retorts and ad hominiem attacks. 

I have seen in these pages where a select group of people attack other mercilessly because they have a differing opinion or ideology. 

I am not a fan of ASR but the there are some here that are no better than that group or the folks at SH Forums.