Why do YOU love Vinyl/or hate vinyl

I just responded to the thread on how many sources do you have ( shotgunning tonight) and got me wondering why I love vinyl so much? Have a very good digital side on both my main system and my headphone system as well that was set up for Redbook playback (headphone system) only utilising my vast 1,000 CD collection, enjoyed it for about a year, added a turntable and haven't used it since. My love of vinyl has been with me for 55 years, buying and playing, setting up my tables , matching preamps and enjoying the fruit of my labor. I believe my love of vinyl is a simple one, it stemmed from the hands on, need to tinker and adjust that I was born with, it's a very physical attraction that I just can not resist, it satisfies a lot of needs for me and in some way is that mistress that I maintain. My turntable is massive and so easy to look at, I can touch it and get more out of it, I can read about the artist and get info while I listen to an album, I can swap out a cartridge and change the tone and in the day the album covers served as a rolling tray to roll a joint. I love vinyl, but absolutely understand while others don't. I also envy people like uberwaltz that have and use so many sources, wish I could. What say you?

Showing 1 response by cfansoon

I like Vinyl because it is analog, and I don’t like digital 44.1kHz sampling rate, I believe 44.1kHz sampling rate is too low resolution.
Although there are a lot of Hi Res streaming service online, but you can’t tell whether the original studio recording is 44.1kHz recording "upscale" to Hi Res bit rate. There is no sound quality improvement by "upscaling".
Read this and I lost confidence in CD’s 44.1kHz sampling rate