Why Do You Listen? A Poll Question



Type MUSIC if

I love music and don’t care about Audio Quality. I’m a lover of music.


Type SOUND if

If it does'nt sound great I’m just not interested. I’m a lover of high quality sound.



Audiogon. We need a Polling App for the forum.




Showing 2 responses by stuartk

I don't understand why you present this as an "either/or" polarity.

It's not.

And why the urgency re: polling? 

"Human ears don't lie. If you've been listening a good music, you ears can't stand a bad sound/music. "

Exactly how I feel. Good music based on what I like MUST sound great, otherwise I don't listen to it. Can't do it.

I so do not relate to this conflation of sonics with what is "good' in music". 

Many, many musicians care little about SQ. , because "music" is melody, rhythm. harmony -- not sonics. 

But I realize I'm probably in a minority, here.