Why Do You Listen? A Poll Question



Type MUSIC if

I love music and don’t care about Audio Quality. I’m a lover of music.


Type SOUND if

If it does'nt sound great I’m just not interested. I’m a lover of high quality sound.



Audiogon. We need a Polling App for the forum.




Showing 3 responses by mahgister

We can listen music on anything...

Furtwangler will stay a genius on an Ephone...,.

I prefer good sound but music has nothing to do with AMPLIFIED sound...

A stradivarius is not a 50 bucks violin and any violonist will care about the SOUND of his instrument... But the same violonist could listen music on a ephone and do not care so much about his sound system...

there is three vocabulary for three different fields here :

the vocabulary of audio : soundstage, imaging, harshness, digfital,analog , etc

the vocabulary of acoustic : reflection-diffusion-absorption- resonance reverberation time etc

The vocabulary of music : rythm, hamony, tonality, atonality, polytonality, arpeggio, polyphony, melody, etc

These three vocavulary intersect in the timbre concept and experience for example but describe it in three different perspectives...


Half of audiophiles at least know more about the gear varieties than about music varieties and they know even less about acoustic...😊

Acoustic and psycho-acoustic is the heart of audio not the gear....

And i listened most of my life music by geniuses on bad audio system... Because of budget choice...

Some are even scandalized that i listened music on cd instead of turntables... But half of the persian and Indian music i listened to was on cd not on vinyl... And i never listened pop music then i dont care about vinyl...Turntable maniac dont listen indian raga not turkisch sufi music.... All way more available on the cd format ...

And when you buy thousand and thousand of books you dont buy thousand and thousand vinyl... I was not Bill Gates... 😊


Then you are not alone stuartk...

But I realize I’m probably in a minority, here.


kota 1 have a point here....

Sound immersiveness and clarity can help someone to  go beyond his limited tastes and habits...

Myself because everything sound clear and immersive in my audio system , i live each evening in ectasy...

i would even like to upgrade but it seems preposterous and impossible...

I am afraid to do so because of the staggering costlier price at stake... Save the Choueri BACCH filters one day...Because with this filters dac i know for sure that it will not be marginal but deep upgrade...

When the sound is so good anybody can begin to appreciate the richness of world music not only jazz or classical...

my favorites albums are not in a style or in a genre... they are the musicians and composers i called geniuses..


By the way kota1 , i would be curious of your sonic impressions and musical impressions about 2 operas:

among my favorite ,

Kurt Weil Die Dreigroschenoper with Lotte Lenya because the soundfield is top...And it is the best interpretation ever of this masterpiece which contain the soul of an era ...


And Philip Glass Akhnaten for the same reason and it contain the soul of ancient Egypt... It is a masterpiece...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji6LTT6tLpQ&list=PLgZD-wYM2ETQtXCBMtFMGM32DY22jLohM&index=1 :



I can’t listen to opera MUSIC, not my taste.

But go to the opera with high quality SOUND, yes.