Why do some dealers

Carry the same exact lines for years and others have new lines every 6 months? 


Showing 6 responses by taters

Jafant said that most dealers are flakes. In general I would have to agree with that. Although I have run across a couple of really great dealers. 


You mention 3 dealers in your post and I think I know who one of them are. Brooks Berdan?


it seems like when you ask interesting questions on a audio website you are always going to get smart ass remarks. I have come to the conclusion that is the nature of the beasts. I will say one thing for Audiogon. You will get less abuse here than you will get on some other audio websites. I won't mention any names but if you have been around this hobby for awhile you will know who I am talking about.


i wonder who are the more successful dealers? The ones that carry the same lines year after year or the one's always presenting new product offerings from different companies.


The situation you mentioned about Bill Johnson was definitely a class act. Unfortunately the ARC of 2015 would never allow such a thing. In fact I don't think there are any companies nowadays that would do such a thing.