Why do some audiophiles beat up McIntosh?

I've been around audio my entire life. I'm 45 and I bought a decent Technics system when I was 12 with my paper route money. Genesis speakers built in New England which were actually pretty darned good. I would spin vinyl every single day to the point it drive my parents crazy. My buddies father had a McIntosh system that I was in love with and he was allowed to play it. It was haunting for me to hear his fathers system.

Fast forward 28 years later and I'm perplexed at the hatred I see posted online about McIntosh. Is it really that bad or is everyone upset that McIntosh is so successful? It doesn't make sense to me that the resale value is the best in the business yet audiophiles bash them. I personally have always loved their gear and sound. I don't own any, and probably never will. Still, I just don't get it. I've always admired McIntosh. Looks aside, I always enjoyed the music. Can someone tell me that they're junk or do you just not like the presentation?

Showing 3 responses by phd

Etbaby has made a very good point about Mcintosh gear, which I have found to be true myself, that sound quality varies from one unit to the next. This could explain the vast differences of opinions about Mac.

Overall I think McIntosh gear is cool looking, well built, and produces a unique house sound that is very good. It would be tough to walk-away from McIntosh without a smile on your face.
Mapman I used to own a more recent Mcintosh solid state amp with autoformers (output transformers) and in my opinion, what I found was the midrange and highs improved considerably when compared to direct coupled Mcintosh amp. However the bass seemed to be more loose.
Tbg, yes Mcintosh does make solid state with autoformers. The original solid state Mcintosh amp that I purchased was brand new, it was a direct coupled design. Decided a few days later I wanted the more expensive Mac with autoformers so I was able to trade up and compare the two designs. As mentioned earlier the design with autoformers had a more fuller midrange and the highs were much more refined. But again the bass wasn't as tight and well defined as the direct coupled amp.

By the way I tried to contact you on the other thread and on the website that you directed me to but when I clicked on your name it brought up Outlook Express and wanted me to set up that account with ipp numbers that I didn't know off hand so I quit. My email address is phdunn544@gmail.com