Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings?

If you have the 'offer' feature activated then what's the problem with any offer. Comments like 'lowball' offers will be ignored just gives me a bad vibe. If your item has been up for sale then there is no insulting offer. I've made deals with people starting far apart and coming together. If you haven't noticed the audio market seems to have come to a standstill. Any opinions?


Showing 5 responses by dabel

What I’ve learned in sales / management long ago is how to read people quickly, and that same technic is applied when purchasing, even online. Having said, you have (some) legitimate questions. My best advice, sure you feel it’s a two-way street though clearly not always the case from others perspective. But to many variables at play here for a burned out dude like myself to explain. People have their reasons :-)

Had someone call me zealot once in my lifetime … I likely deserved it. And yes, related to audio purchase that worked out in my favor.

@gnaudio, “music a little less” our universal language. :-(

Less communication and “more of that good stuff” is what brings us together, know? Maybe :-)

@saburo, are these PM’s standard protocol and adhered to by the vast majority of Audiogon sellers?

Good to know, and appreciate the heads up @saburo. The PM had me thinking though, for I’ve proposed (reasonable) offers in such a way before with no response from said sellers. These particular items I knew wouldn’t sit for long therefore I chalked them up as, “snooze you lose.” Dusted myself off and planned the next move.